Friday, 16 September 2011

Yorkshire; How to speak with a Yorkshire accent.

1. Discreetly miss out several letters. For example, if you were saying "happening", it would be pronounced "'app'nin'".

2. People really do say "thee and tha" instead of 'you', e.g. "Where's tha think tha's goin, I'll tell thee father!".

3. Visit Yorkshire and try to pick up some of the lingo. Sheffield, Rotherham, Barnsley, Wakefield, Doncaster, Dronfield, York.

4. "Oh" sounds are pronounced "or." for example, No would be pronounced "nor" But please, please remember that there is no emphasis on the 'R' - if you say it like that, you'll sound Irish.

5. Words ending with and "ee" sound are pronounced as "eh" sounds. Example:-"Nasty" would be "nasteh"

6. Yorkshire folk always say "aye" for yes, and "nay or nah" for no.

7. The Fish and Chip shop is "tha chippeh" or "t' fish oil" (oil meaning hole) thus 'fish shop'.

8. If you ever hear the word "Nowt" - it means "nothing"

9. The word "rate" has many, many different uses. It could mean "really," E.G - "It's really good"/"It's RATE good." Another use could be "Alright" - "Are you alright"/"Are you all-rate?"

10. The word "mardy" is a Yorkshire favourite - it means moody/stroppy/grumpy. Words like moody/stroppy/grumpy must never be used, ever. Oh, and remember, as with all Yorkshire words - it's said like "mard-eh."

11. Nesh is also a Yorkshire favourite. It could either mean "soft/delicate"or a person sensitive to the cold.

12. All use of "the" and "to" is replaced with "t'." EG: "I'm going into the woods"/Ah'm goin' int' woods" (note: the g and the end of "ing" is also dropped.)

13. "Nah then" is a perfectly acceptable, and very friendly way to greet someone. Another common greeting is "Ey up, how's tha doin?"

14. A wife or girlfriend is commonly referred to as "our lass".

15. "Propah" is used to substitute "really" as well as "rate" and "well." EG:- "She's really nasty"/"She wa' propah nasteh"/She wa' well nasteh"

16. The 'th' at the end of 'with' is dropped. 'I was going with him'/I wa' goin' wi' 'im." This also applies to "was"

17. "H" sounds are commonly dropped. Him/Her = 'im/'er.

18. "Bloody" (or yorkshire say, 'bloodeh') could be a substitute for "f***ing". E.g., "That bloodeh dog never shuts up" (alternatively, that bloodeh dog neva giz it's gob a rest).

19. "Give or gives" becomes "giz" and "take" becomes "tek".

20. You'd rather be French than be a "lanc" - (person from Lancashire. Yorkshire and Lancashire are deadly enemies.)

21. The letter T is always dropped at the end of words eg- that becomes tha.

22. The word Sandwich is never said,"Sarnie" is said instead. eg- "i'm 'avin a 'am sarnie" (am instead of ham).

23. Watch some clips on YouTube or films with Yorkshire accents. Brassed Off, Kes andThe Full Monty are good examples.

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